Education and sponsorship

Our education and sponsorship programme offers holistic education sponsorship program to vulnerable children in rural communities, slum areas and fishing communities  from pre-primary to tertiary institutions. The beneficiaries are usually recommended by the local leadership by objectively assessed by a committee of APY social workers who ensure the services are extended to the needy of neediest.

According to the Universal declaration children have the right to education. Children need to be supported to acquire knowledge as their right. The education provided should be of quality. The foundation is striving to promote the right to education of vulnerable children.

Education is vital for helping children develop healthily to become productive members of society. Education equips individuals with invaluable skills and perspectives vital for navigating today’s challenges. An educated mind isn’t just filled with facts, it’s expanded, enabling us to think beyond conventional boundaries.


APY provides sponsorship to vulnerable  children from slum and fishing areas which is said to be hard to reach. APY sponsors children  who would otherwise be unable to attend or complete school. Fees are provided, as well as the provision of basics such as uniforms and scholastic materials. Special projects such as the distribution of sanitary pads and Christian teaching, including access to a Scripture Union/Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) camp, are part of interventions so that each sponsored child is helped holistically. APY staff regularly visit the schools to ensure that the children are getting relevant support and help with special needs, such as medical cases, where possible.

Sponsoring a child is a powerful way to make a lasting difference in the life of a child. It is a direct way to help children in poverty-stricken communities, in Uganda, access education and basic needs. By sponsoring a child in Uganda, you can provide them with the resources they need to grow up healthy and educated. Furthermore, this type of social impact can create positive change for entire communities.

Sponsoring a child has been proven to be an effective tool for poverty alleviation in developing nations. It has been successful in providing children with the resources they need to succeed and reach their full potential.

Call for support. Sponsor A child for his/her good future.